House of Cards: Season 3 Now Online

HouseCards01If you haven’t been following the antics of Frank Underwood and his rise to power, you’ve been missing one of best dramatic thrillers of the last few years.  Frank, played by Kevin Spacey, is one of the most powerful and underhanded men in the US Congress.  His dream to be Vice President was ripped from underneath him in the final seconds.  But does this man get mad?  No.  He gets even.

House of Cards is a home-grown effort via Netflix.  The first two seasons have been a plethora of shock and excitement.  Some of the sexiest, classy ladies have been on board too.  Robin Wright (years after The Princess Bride) plays Claire Underwood, Frank’s wife.  She’s the wife every powerful man wants.  Kate Mara plays a naive reporter who finds close ties to those powerful – perhaps those too powerful for her own good.

housecards02Season 1 got us hooked.  Season 2 brought about such surprises most of us held our hands to our faces in shock.  What does season 3 bring to the table?  From the teaser Netflix put out last week there might be some trouble brewing in the Underwood household.  Goodbye friends because I’m about to binge watch the entire series.  Good luck to my social life.
